What happens if my payment fails?

In the event of cancellation or non-payment, any deposited funds are forfeited. In the event of a declined charge, there is a maximum 10 day grace period for you to update your payment information to keep your payment plan current. In the event of a declined charge, you will be notified prior to any cancellation taking place.

Please follow the different suggestions below (provided by SeeTickets) to bring your Baja Beach Fest Weekend Payment Plan up-to-date and to ultimately avoid having your pass(es) canceled. 
1. You can retry the failed payment for your payment plan by logging into your seetickets.us account.

2. Once logged in and on your Dashboard, you may see a yellow banner with a link to retry your failed payment. If there is no yellow banner, click on the blue DETAILS button next to your order that is on a payment plan.  This link will take you to a page where you can pay off any missed payments.


3. If you are still having issues, please contact your bank to verify what may be causing the transaction to decline.

4. If you still need help, check out SeeTickets FAQs or Contact them directly.

There is no need to contact SeeTickets once your payment has successfully been processed, as this can be done online while logged into your account. You should contact See Tickets if you are having difficulties with updating your card and/or processing your payment